Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Conducting eCommerce with Ektron CMS400.NET > Images in eCommerce

Images in eCommerce

When using eCommerce, a site visitor sees images that represent products or services for sale. The following table lists each image that appears on an eCommerce Web site, and the source of each one.

Where Image Appears


Image Location in Workarea

Product Server Control, main image

Image on Product control

On the catalog entry’s Content tab

Note: The sample catalog entries are based on Product Types whose XML Smart Form includes an Image field. As a result, the product description, (which appears at the top of the Product Server control) includes an image. This is not required, merely a suggested implementation.

Product Server Control, thumbnails

Thumbnails on lower portion of Product control

Note: To control the thumbnail display, use the Xslt files generated by the Product, Product List, Product Search, and Recommendation server controls.

On the catalog entry’s Media screen.

If an image’s Gallery Display field is set to Yes, its smallest thumbnail appears on the Product server control, below the content area. (This assumes you are using the control’s default xslt.)

When a site visitor clicks a thumbnail, the corresponding full image appears.

Since the Media screen can have several images, several thumbnails can appear. They appear left to right reflecting their sequence (top to bottom) on the Media screen.

See Also: Determining Thumbnail Size

Product List, Product Search, and Recommendation server controls

Image on Product List control

On the catalog entry’s Media tab, the image designated as Product Icon

See Also: Entering a Catalog Entry’s Media

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.